Helping teens build resilience, manage stress, and find inner calm.

Teens today face a range of challenges, from anxiety about school to fear and sleep disturbances. My kinesiology sessions for teens are designed specifically for teenagers and offer a holistic approach to help them manage anxiety and regain balance. 

As a certified Neuroenergetic Kinesiologist and founder of Restored Balance®, I support teens in tackling anxiety and behaviours that interfere with their daily lives. Using muscle testing, I can find and interpret the root cause of their anxiety and guide teens to uncover and resolve stressors that contribute to school refusal, sleep disruptions, and persistent fears and more. 

Kinesiology for Teen Anxiety – Overcoming Sleep, Fear & School Challenges

How Kinesiology Can Help Teens

Kinesiology offers a holistic approach to addressing both diagnosed and undiagnosed conditions, targeting the underlying imbalances that contribute to anxiety, depression, and related issues. This method helps teens manage a variety of challenges, including:

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Social difficulties

  • Trauma recovery

  • Coordination challenges

  • Learning struggles

  • Emotional regulation

Kinesiology also helps teens regulate their reflexes, improve sensory integration, and reduce the intensity of overwhelming emotions, fostering resilience and overall well-being.

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Session Locations


Burwood Clinic


Closed Thursdays and Sundays

Distance Sessions

Any time
via Zoom

How Kinesiology and the subconscious mind link

Kinesiology works directly with the central nervous system and the subconscious mind, which:

  • Records everything

  • Is always alert and awake

  • Controls 95% of our daily actions

  • Operates through habituation

  • Has no verbal language

  • Takes everything literally

  • Is more powerful than the conscious mind

  • Functions as the "feeling mind" rather than the logical one

The subconscious mind’s primary job is to keep you safe. If it perceives something as a threat—even if it isn’t logical—it triggers avoidance or coping behaviors such as procrastination, doom-scrolling, or unhealthy habits (e.g., food, substances, or distractions).

Through kinesiology, the subconscious mind can be rebalanced, aligning it with your goals and fostering a life of greater ease and purpose.

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Case Study: A Teen Struggling with Sleep

A teenager came to me unable to sleep through the night, frequently waking up. The underlying issue was a subconscious belief that staying alert was necessary for safety.

In this case, the teen was metaphorically “sleeping with one eye open,” ruminating on perceived threats from school relationships. Although these threats were not present at 2 a.m., the body remained on high alert "just in case."

In kinesiology sessions, I worked with the teen’s survival emotions and diffused their fight-or-flight response by balancing their energy systems. Through muscle monitoring, we identified and interpreted sources of stress, then used kinesiology techniques to release this tension. The result? A more relaxed, resilient teen able to sleep peacefully.

Does your tenager need support? Reach out today to start your teen’s journey to clarity and calm.